
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bennie and the Chipmunk

Bennie has been introduced to the house and office staff, as I take the dogs with me to the office. Bennie is quite an active dog - who we think is only a teenager.

Today he ran through the fish pond chasing a chipmunk. Had his first of what I suspect will be many baths! We will be taking Bennie to obedience training.

I would like everyone at CPCRN to know that the rescue mom, Roberta, was extremely accommodating and a super person to work with, and I know many tears were shed on her part as she sent him off to us. I'm sure, through her and her husbands efforts, that they were instrumental in making Bennie such a great rescue for us.

The whole rescue network has been so helpful and a pleasure to work with. Having owned the breed for over 45 years it certainly was heartening for me to see that such an organization of volunteers existed, especially after loosing Tori (at 14) July 4th.Mary and I will be signing on to volunteer to help transport cairns as needed.
Thanks. Bruce and Mary

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