
Saturday, August 2, 2008

The CPCRN Media Page

There's a new button on the Col. Potter website! Have any of you noticed it?! This new button is for the CPCRN Media Page! What does it do?! Well, it leads you to the new CPCRN Media Page, silly! lol. So what's the Media Page all about? It's a centralized location for our Col. Potter Blog and Post Adoption Blog, for one. It's also a place to put our CP videos in one easy-to-find location. We do still want our own members to log into YouTube to view our videos directly from there so you can rate them and leave comments, but for outsiders, this is a great way to see what we have up on YouTube. Lynda has also created several new groups on YouTube that you can join and upload your videos to, and those will be linked to our new Media Page. There are four new YouTube groups: One group is called Cairn Terriers, and it is for all things cairn. That is where you can put any videos of your own cairns doing cute things. I plan to upload my Nikki Speaks video there. There's a group named CPCRN Available Cairns, which is for current fosters. We only have one video on there so far. If you have a video of your current foster you want to add, join that group on YouTube and add your foster videos! There's a group named CPCRN Adopted Cairns. That's the place to upload your videos of former fosters who have now been adopted. Those videos are just too cute not to continue to share them, and this is a great way to have them all in one place. The last group is named CPCRN Post Adoption. This is for Forever Families to upload their videos of their adopted CP cairns. Right now, the CPCRN Available Cairns group is the only one linked to the new CP Media Page, but Lynda may put up the rest as links for us if we get videos uploaded to the new groups. To join a group and upload your videos, you must first have a YouTube account. Then go to the CP YouTube page: and look right under the CP banner, and you will see a link called Groups. If you click on that, you will see all the various groups Lynda has set up for CP. Join and upload your videos! Lynda is busy with her real job right now, but she wanted me to be sure to thank a few people for making the new Media Page a reality! Here's a little note from Lynda, Goddess of our CP Blog and Videos!

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