
Friday, July 25, 2008

Marti the Love

Good morning-I was going to email you today and let you know that Marti truly is a love. She is doing very well, she adjusted so nicely with her two new brothers. She does try to push them around but they are smart enough to let her go only so far and then she backs off. It is so funny watching them all play. She didn't eat at all Sunday when we brought her home and cried a little when we put her to bed. But I have to say she has been very good, not a problem going outside to do her business, no accidents yet in the house. She watches Monte go swim and I think she will get there too. She is a talker, she listens to the clock chime and then looks at me, and she does a lot of talking when we are fixing her breakfast or dinner.. she is so funny. The food is working out great for all so thanks for all the information. I will send some photos soon. Rosanne

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