
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why Seamus Got A Bath

Deer Antie Joanna...I fink maybeez I shuld ansir dat. To my great delite, we hab not had a fosser since Cicero left acuz of horsey shows...anna despite da Mudder Pluckkes teers when Cicero I wuz just finkin "hey Cicero, don't git dat tail ob yours caught in da door on da way out." Howebber, to my great dismay tonight, doin my nightly explorashun frew our liddle backyard forrist, I found a bush I hab not resently peed on. I wuz assuming da posishun anna da Mudder Pluckker says, "Seamus, I wouldn't pee on that, the pees gonna roll back onna you." Well, nashurally, I bin finkin...:silly Mudder Pluckker, I fink I nose a liddle more about peein on bushes dan you do!" Reelly, whut experinse duz she hab in dat area. Again, to my dismay...I bin wrong, Mudder Pluckker bin rite (purhaps a camping trip in her past????)...da pee rolled rite back onna me anna Mudder Pluckker said der wuz no way I wuz sleepin inna bed wif her tonite wif pee on my tummy. To my udder dismay...I hab a baff (anna if I coulda talked, I'd hab reminded her dat Antie Damyell says corn terrorists dunnot need baffs...but all I could do wuz lay my eers flat anna look pityfull).
Sumtyms ya win, sumtyms ya lose.
Seamus (MI)

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