Colby in the Courtyard
Hello! Here is one of my favotite photos of Colby sitting in the Arizona sunshine. Note the way he sits on one hip and sticks the opposite leg out. Very casual and laid back which describes him to a "T". Our sitter says she has never seen a dog as laid back as Colby. When she gets out treats, all the other dogs crowd around and jump up on her for their treats. Not Colby! He just sits back and waits until he is called or handed his treat. At home, he has never shown any aggression to his little brother, our Yorkie, Rusty. If Rusty comes up to Colby's food bowl or water bowl, they either share, or Colby stands back and lets Rusty have his fill. And, when we got Colby, they told us he was a wild, wild boy! They are walked twice a day (on leash, of course) and when we come to a curb or corner, Colby sits down and will not cross until we say, "OK'. One time, he flushed a rabbit from under a bush, the rabbit ran right in front of Colby so he took out after the rabbit until the rabbit ran across the street. Colby almost skidded to a stop and would not go past the curbing. Even we were amazed and we told him what a good boy he was. Colby will be 5 years old in November. He has shared our home for four and we have to say that we have loved every minute of it.
Corinne K and Jesse G in Az
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