
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dere Aunties & Uncles,
Mommy is always so busy, so I must take it upon myself to tell u about my favorite foster brother Reggiano "Reggie" A little over 2 weeks ago Mommy & Daddy went to drag race in Indianapolis. Which worked out better for them than me. hrmph. You see they did not take me:( They could take some little girl Neha wif them but not me. I should have gone cause they were gonna go & see Reggie. You see he moved to Indianapolis...So I should have gotten to go. But I digress.

Well Mommy says Reggie is doing really well. He loves his foreber Mommy, Daddy & hooman sissy berry much. He did member Mommy & Daddy & gave them lots & lots of kisses. Mommy was berry happee about dat. Anyway Lauren Reggie's sister sent us a bideo I want to share wif you.

I also finded out today dat Reggie gots himself a gurlfriend. Mommy said I could share part of dis letter from Lyn (Reggie's Mommy). My Mommy says letters like dis are why foster Mommys can let their fosters go:

Reggie found a girl! I have been walking him a lot and a guy stopped me who has a female cairn that just turned a year old. She has been over to play a couple times now and they are pretty wild. He doesn't seem to bark at the dogs that he has seen before, just new ones. I guess thats progress. He shares his toys and water with his girlfriend Daisy , I just make sure that the kong is put up before she gets here.

So that is what my foster Brother is up to chasing girls. Mommy said he was a ladys man. He eben held da doggie door open for Nebbie cause she could not figure it out. Now she can do it but, if Reggie would not have taught her she still would not get it. They say blonds are dingy let me tell you about that little brunette Nebbie...
Wags & Kisses,Shelby LB, Saint Louis MO

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