
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Artie Gives CP a Gotcha Day Present

Dear Everyone at CP,
Tomorrow will be Arties first happy Gotcha Day!!!!

It doesn't seem possible that almost a year has gone by since I took the journey of flying 4 airplanes in less than 18 hours to meet my little fella then known as Scorpion tag #3366 and his wonderful fostermum Tina W and bring Artie to his forever home.

This very special dog has bought our family so much joy and happiness.
His big sister, Ruby, 11 years old and a non CP cairn has gotten in on the is always a constant competition (in a good way) who can meet and greet in the loudest and most possible friendly way, and get the attention. Before Artie arrived, Ruby would act like a cat . So lazy!!!!! just sitting on the sofa, no hellos,..........a younger man was the answer in this case.

So in honour of Artie, and all the work you all do at CP, I cannot think of a better way to say thank you, and it is our pleasure to send CP a check for $500 so that some other Cairn can indeed have the home he or she so rightly deserves.

Thank You again for all the work you all do at CP, and a very special thanks to Tina his foster mum who made this happen and nursed Artie back to health when he was very sick.
Much Gratitude

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